The Course
Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery that will guide you back to your innermost being. Over the next three weeks, we dive deep into a series of introspective exercises, meditative practices, and reflective journaling. Each day, you'll get an opportunity to peel away layers of external noise, allowing you to listen to and understand the whispers of your soul. By blending ancient wisdom with practical modern techniques, this course is designed to realign your purpose, passion, and power with the true essence of who you are.
Imagine a life where every decision you make is in perfect harmony with your spirit. That's the real-world superpower you'll start growing here. Not only will you cultivate a profound inner peace, but you'll also learn to tap into your intuition, making choices that resonate deeply with your core values. As you conclude this 21-day odyssey, you will not only have reconnected with your soul but also equipped yourself with the tools to navigate life's journey with grace, certainty, and joy.
What you will learn
I started crafting this course with a deep understanding that in the hustle of our everyday lives, it's easy for your inner voice to get drowned out by the noise. This transformative journey is meticulously designed to help you silence the chaos and reconnect with the core of your being. Picture this as your personal retreat, where each step is curated to bring you closer to inner peace. It's structured to gently guide you through introspective activities, meditative practices, and reflective journaling, ensuring that you're never overwhelmed but always supported. You'll find each element of the course, from the audio guides to the workbook, thoughtfully put together to facilitate your self-discovery and growth in a seamless, enriching way. Imagine finally finding a space that’s solely dedicated to nurturing your soul – that's exactly what this is.
- Bienvenida al curso
- Objetivos y alcance del viaje de 21 días
- Día 1 El Don del Deseo (12:10)
- Día 2 El Don de la Autoconciencia (12:46)
- Día 3 El Don de la Liberación (10:22)
- Día 4 El Perdón (12:10)
- Día 5 El Regalo de la Reverencia (12:17)
- Día 6 El Don de la Rendición (9:54)
- Día 7 El Don del Autoreconocimiento (10:06)
- Día 8 El Don de la Liberación (10:36)
- Día 9 El Don de la Responsabilidad (10:26)
- Día 10 El Poder de la Humildad (8:58)
- Día 11 El Poder de la Aceptación (9:39)
- Día 12 El Poder del Riesgo (8:15)
- Día 13 El Poder del Presente (8:30)
- Día 14 El Poder de la Verdad (12:19)
- Día 15 La Luz de la Realización (11:27)
- Día 16 La Luz de la Voluntad de Nuestra Alma (9:25)
- Día 17 La Luz de la Devoción (9:10)
- Día 18 El Poder de la Luz de la Trascendencia (12:56)
- Día 19 La Huella Digital del Alma (7:11)
- Día 20 La Luz de la Compasión (9:09)
- Día 21 La Posibilidad (10:10)

Your instructor
Experiencia y Consumo has been an ardent explorer of the human spirit for over a decade, dedicating her life to understanding the profound connection between mind, body, and soul. With a background enriched by studies in psychology, mindfulness, and holistic well-being, she has guided countless individuals along their paths to self-discovery and inner peace. Her unique approach intertwines practical life skills with spiritual depth, making her a beloved mentor and a beacon of insight for those seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves.
As the creator and teacher of the transformative "Viaje de 21 Días para Reconectar con tu Alma" course, Experiencia y Consumo brings together her extensive knowledge and personal passion to craft a journey that is both enlightening and grounding. She believes that everyone has the capacity to tap into the well of their own souls to nurture a life of harmony and purpose. Her commitment to this course stems from a heartfelt desire to empower individuals to forge a profound and lasting bond with their innermost essence, unlocking the doors to a more fulfilled and joyous existence.

Un viaje interior para despertar tu esencia y renovar tu espíritu

Descubre la claridad y la sabiduría del alma en tres semanas de introspección

Equilibra tu ser y sincronízate con el ritmo de tu verdadero yo